Monday, August 30, 2010

A backwards update...

Hmm, I accidentally downloaded all my pictures in backwards order. July was fun. We kept busy, though not too much exciting news to report. This one started trying to climb up onto things at the end of the month.
And perhaps as a result of her new tricks and continually increasing mobility, she went through quite the streak where nursing was not at the top of her list of priorities. I honestly wondered if we might have to stop, but the situation has much improved since then. We did this a lot, much to my exaspiration. Seriously Ainsley?
This past Friday, we hosted several of David's coworkers and their spouses for dinner. Sadie Beth was so excited about "her guests" coming over, and I think she was genuinely convinced they were coming to visit with her. At one point, I was upstairs laying Ainsley down and David was in the kitchen, I heard her tell everyone sitting in the living room, "I'm getting bigger everyday! It makes my mommy a little sad..." Then, after putting on quite the (well-received) show, as she marched upstairs to bed, she called out in a sing-songy voice, "Goooood-niiight everybodyyyyyy! It was nice of you to come OOOOOver. Don't forget to save me a piece of caaaaaaake, and I'll eat it after my naaaaaap."
To say Ainsley is a mama's girl is a bit understated. She's going through such a clingy stage right now. I love love love having a cuddler, but this scream every time mommy sets me down and follow mommy around the house crying stuff is enough to make anyone crazy.
We have had great times at the zoo this summer. One particularly HOT day we went with my friend Allison, Sadie Beth's friend Julianne, and baby sister Lorelai. Look at these red faced girls - not sunburned, just HOT.
It was a perfect day for the splash park. It's fun watching the girls play together. Here's a little ring around the rosey. Sadie Beth got to celebrate Julianne's birthday with her at her ice-cream party last week.
Cooling off - I wanted to just sit in one of the fountains myself. I think Allison and I both ended up drenched by the end, so I might as well have done that. This was Ainsley's first time playing. She liked crawling around in the baby area for awhile.

David's favorite summer treat is stopping for slushees, so we did one Sunday after church. Sadie Beth drinks as much of Daddy's polar bear cups as we will let her.
Doesn't Ainsley look like she is getting ready to go play croquet or polo? :)
My little performer - Sadie Beth singing and doing motions to If I Were a Butterfly... - I know, she needs a little more attention, doesn't she? She thinks she's a little Shirley Temple.

"Ainsley, meet your Bunny-Bear." It's not been quite love at first sight with Ainsley and her Bunnybear as it was with Sadie Beth and her bb.
She wasn't quite sure what to think at first, but Sadie Beth insisted this was a good thing.
I think Ainsley was a little leery - for the entirety of her short life, touching bb was often met with scolding from the older sister. A bb of her very own? Whatever would she do?
She's growing more fond of bunnybear as time goes on. I'm hoping they will continue to bond. Ainsley needs something in addition to me to which she is attached.
I think Ainsley thinks she is equally as big as Sadie Beth here.

I sure do love my girls.

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