Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Little Rascal.....

It was around this time we began to really see the differences between Sadie Beth and Ainsley, and each day we started to see signs that we have quite the little rascal on our hands with Miss Ainsley Christianna Balzer. She went through a real fun baby phase where she took care of babies all day long. Then it passed and now she wants nothing to do with them.
Every time I see this picture I'm taken aback for a minute because my mind flashes forward about 15 years...can't you envision a very similar picture being taken before this beautiful little one gets whisked off to prom by some young lad?
We really had so much fun during Ainsley's morning naps this fall and tried to spend as much of it as possible outside. On this particular day, we were riding her tricycle and chasing after our neighbor's cat.

She could have done this all morning.

Ainsley's first tail-wiggle. It didn't last long. She started screaming shortly after the picture, and then boycotted anything in her hair for the next 4 months.

I tried to get some nice pictures after church one Sunday. They didn't go so well.
Stinker! I was in the kitchen taking care of something and I heard squeels of sheer delight.
Ainsley had struck gold and was delighted with her accomplishment because she could not get enough veggie straws.
Knowing her window of opportunity while I was taking pictures would be short-lived, she was furiously trying to cram as many in her mouth as possible. And notice the background mess. I can't say I miss the "search and destroy" phase Ainsley was going through at this time. It took her about 3 minutes to totally wreck whatever room she was playing in and she would do this as many times a day as I would come behind her and clean. So I just stopped picking up until bedtime for awhile. She's our little rascal!

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