Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fall is here!

Yay...it's been less than a month since my last post! Today's will be much shorter, as I am in a race against nap time. I actually can't believe Sadie Beth is still sleeping (but am thankful) because normally she only stays down for about an hour and 15 minutes or so for this nap, but we are almost to 2 hours now! (the intended nap length). Things are great here in Balzer world, and I will probably say this in every post but I can't believe how fast Sadie Beth is growing and changing.
Let's see, what news to share...the biggest excitement I suppose is...drumroll please...Sadie Beth slept through the night for the first time Saturday night and then again Sunday night too!!! (not last night though). Hooray...the schedule is working! (And now everyone can laugh because I'm talking about the schedule again). We are so blessed to have such a good baby who for the most part eats and sleeps as we are trying to direct her. Now, if Mommy can just get over her own sleep issues, then we'll be set. I think I have some sort of nursing insomnia or something...well, not really, but I do believe my biological clock is pretty confused. I wake up sometime between 4-5am, and I am WIDE awake. I don't think I slept from 5:30-7:30am after I fed Sadie Beth and put her back down this morning. I probably should have gotten up, but what was I going to do? I can't make too much noise because I don't want to wake her or David. Maybe my body is FINALLY getting used to less sleep. I've always been one to need 8 hours. Oh well though, because surprisingly I feel fairly energetic.
I exercised for the first time this morning! Last week I had my follow up with the OB who gave me the go-ahead on resuming normal activities, but as eager as I was to start into a workout routine, I was so SICK that I didn't feel like doing anything. I had an awful sinus infection...headaches, mouth pain, and 101 degree fever for 3-4 days! No fun for me. Praise the Lord Sadie Beth didn't get it, but I think all the medicine I was taking messed her up a bit. She was pretty fussy for a day or two, which is not like my sweet baby girl!
Speaking of my sweet baby girl, here she is! Doesn't she look content in this picture? She likes her giraffe, probably because it is so stimulating, and I LOVE her polka-dot sleeper that my friend Erica gave her.

Happy 2nd Anniversary to us! These are some of the beautiful flowers David gave me for our anniversary. Star-gazer lillies are my favorite. Apparently Sadie Beth likes them as well. We celebrated our anniversary with a trip to Los Aztecas, our favorite Mexican restaurant, when David's family was here. It was nice to have some time just us for a bit. I am married to such an amazing man....David is an incredible husband and now a wonderful father too! He takes such wonderful care of us, and is so thoughtful and giving. I'm blessed by him in so many ways.
Play date time! Heather and Elijah came over awhile back and we had a nice little afternoon. Sadie Beth and Elijah had fun getting to know each other too. They are laying on the "puke" blanket. It is David's beloved old comforter that we lay on the floor to protect the carpet from any accidents...it's come in handy more than once.
I can't remember where we went, but it was one of the first cooler days so we had to bundle up!
Sadie Beth is very patient with me. Each time she wears a new outfit, I feel the need to take a picture. Here it looks like she is tolerating me...:)
I LOVE THE HAIR!!! We can't do anything to keep it under control, but boy isn't it fun? I think it says so much about her personality.
I think we were getting ready to go for a walk here and she started making funny faces. We always have to wear bibs in the carseat, because its almost guaranteed that she will spit up.

Happy Halloween!!! My mom's friend gave Sadie Beth this cute little Halloween outfit. Unfortunately, this is one of the days I was sick, so we didn't go anywhere other than the doctor, and later she got it very messy, but we did manage a few shots.
I love the hat...she's pretty funny when she gets to making faces!
And the thrush lives on....actually we don't know if the white stuff all over her tongue is really thrush or not. She has been on one medication or the other since before she was 2 weeks old. We went back to the doctor today, who took a culture that came back negative for thrush...but the doctor still thinks it is. They did a blood test to make sure it wasn't anything real bad, and it's not...so we can be thankful for that. I guess for now we just have an adorable little white tongued baby girl. I wanted to wait for it to go away before getting her pictures taken, but I might go ahead. I guess we will capture the memory of the thrush too!

1 comment:

katy said...

I love all of her different outfits! She is so cute. :) I hope to see you next week! :)