Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tooth Time!!!

Sadie Beth has a tooth! You can hardly see it, but it has officially broken through the surface as of 2/9/08. I'm kindof relieved to see it because I thought her "teething" might have all been in my head. You know, like when moms will claim that their babies are cranky for months on end because they are "teething" when really they are just cranky. For the last few weeks Sadie Beth has been always gumming something, often times like her mouth is causing her pain. I haven't wanted to give her Tylenol just for the heck of it, but this week I have several times...I'm just glad to know it was for good reason. I guess that means I should trust my intuition.
This picture here pretty much illustrates how you will find her these days...hands in the mouth. Most of the time she deals with it pretty well but she's been a bit more cranky than normal off and on the past couple of weeks. Let's just hope that she doesn't figure out how to bite Mommy while she's nursing. That won't be fun.
P.S. - oh the joys of poopy diapers...about 5 minutes after this picture was taken Sadie Beth was lying on the floor and had a MAJOR made it up to her armpits...TMI, I know. I was just glad she pooped. We get excited about those sorts of things these days...oh dear. :)


Abby said...

Wow! That is early! You were right all along. I'm dealing with the same "what's going on?" with Amelia. I guess we'll see in the next few weeks.
Did you find season 3 of lost? I guess you've finished the first 2 seasons? We need to get together for a LOST dinner and discuss :-)

Anonymous said...

poop in the armpits...hysterical! funny how life changes isn't it? well i love that you keep this so up-to-date so that i can see her cute face. she's gotten SO big...and her legs are SO long! i hope that things in louisville are well for you guys! miss ya!