Even though I really wanted to go into labor on my own, and spent several days trying everything I could think of within reason to do so, we decided to go ahead with an induction on November 5, 2009, when I was 39 weeks. My growth check ultrasound had her measuring pretty big and while we figured it was just margin of error, I just have this fear of having a really big baby. Silly I know...
We were delighted to find out the hospital would be ready for us at 7am, which meant we didn't have to wait all day for a bed. We got settled and got started on pitocin about 8am - I was already 3cm dilated which was encouraging for the journey ahead. My contractions were coming regularly by the time Dr. Nett broke my water around 9am and then I was already 4cm! I labored on my own for awhile before deciding epidurals are awesome and pain is not. Maybe someday I will go into labor on my own, without pitocin, and will get to be out of the bed and try the whole natural childbirth thing. Until then, anesthesiology is my friend....(though I won't comment on my anesthesiologists this time around. They left a little to be desired). Got my epidural around 11:30 and was able to get some rest. It was amazing how much different the rest was from my first labor. With Sadie Beth, I didn't feel a thing. My epidural was AMAZING. This time, not so much. Around 2pm, I was feeling ridiculous amounts of pressure and told the nurse that I either needed more drugs or was going to have to start pushing. Since I was only 8cm, I got more drugs. I can't remember what time exactly I started pushing, but I know that didn't last for long. My doctor happened to be in the room and told me to push for a few contractions just to see how far that would take me before she got all ready. So, I started to push and before the first contraction was over she said, "Stop pushing, I need a gown!" One or two contractions later we had a baby! Ainsley sure didn't waste her time!
On a very serious side note....we are so incredibly thankful for a healthy pregnancy, baby, and delivery without any complications. I didn't find out the details until afterwards, but after I pushed through a contraction or two, my dr. said urgently, "You aren't having a contraction right now, but PUSH." While I did just that, basically my doctor reached up and pulled her out. Thankfully I wasn't aware enough to panic at the time, but the cord was wrapped around our girl's neck twice and she wasn't handling it so well as I pushed. God was so gracious to us to protect our sweet baby throughout the pregnancy and delivery.
So, that's the scoop....on with the fun part! You see that look on Ainsley's face? It basically hasn't left since. Not the crying, but the scowl. She came out with a scowl and pretty much scowled through the first month of her life. She is the sweetest, cuddliest thing in the world and heart melts every time I look into her big dark eyes - and she's done it all with her little eyebrows furrowed like she wonders why we evicted her from her cozy little home.