Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Getting ready...catching up!

One last catch-up post before baby sister arrives! We are so excited to meet our new sweet baby girl. But until then, here are some pictures of what our sweet Sadie Beth has been up to lately...probably not a lot to say about some...enjoy!
She likes wearing Daddy's work glasses...
...and Mommy's pajamas....
I'm not sure that there are many things in life more fun than listening to a 2 year old play...I'm loving hearing the things Sadie Beth comes up with these days. She told me when I found this that she was making oatmeal for her ducks....of course she was! :)
David was volunteered to be a pirate at work for some team-building activity. Sadie Beth enjoyed his costume....more than he did anyway.
And what is a pirate without her handy turtle-sidekick?

Sadie Beth has become quite the "helper" lately...she loves it and we love the opportunities we have to teach her the value of work and about having a sense of accomplishment. I guess here she decided she had accomplished enough and was done helping me change the bed.

Playing in the tub with her letters, a new favorite!
My poor red-faced girl was sick and running a pretty high fever....
Cheese-boo! Still one of Sadie Beth's favorite games - I think because she knows she came up with it. Doesn't she look so big! This part is where she says, "CHEESE!"
And then it's "Boo!"
We had a beautiful Sunday afternoon not too long ago and enjoyed a stop at the park after church.
She was particularly excited because Daddy got to be at the park too! And he is much more fun than Mommy.
It has been lots of fun watching Sadie Beth gain confidence at the park. At the beginning of the summer she wouldn't go down any slide by herself and practically had to be pushed even with someone to catch her....
Now she will go down every slide on this playground - even the curly slide!
Someone has become quite the daddy's girl over the last few weeks. I think it started while I was in Indy for the weekend. Sadie Beth adores David....I think the feeling is mutual.
Big girl bed!!!!!!!! Sadie Beth did really well transitioning into her new big girl room. We had a few rough nights, but I've been so proud of her.
I'm so thankful we were able to get the bedding and sheets that I fell in love with. I need to post better pictures, but her room is adorable and she is so proud of it. God provided so amazingly - the bedding was too expensive new, but I found it used on Craigslist for a ridiculously low price!
Sleeping for the first time in her bed. She fell asleep no problem! She remembered that Olivia the pig sleeps in a big girl bed and that was about all it took...we loves Olivia.
Cheese-boo on Sunday morning in a new dress. She thinks she's hilarious.
Very proud of her new "monster jamas." And of putting her shoes on all by herself!
While I was in Indy, David took Sadie Beth to a fall festival at a nearby church. It was a super-fun "daddy-daughter day" and Sadie Beth still loves her little pumpkin and talks about her butterfly cheek. Last weekend she told David, "I want...I need....Daddy-daughter day." He asked her when she wanted to do that and she said, "Right now." My sweet girl.
For Halloween Sadie Beth dressed up as a "lalalalala - LADYBUG!!!" We had fun dressing up. She got spoiled rotten trick-or-treating at my mom's work. I took her just so mom could see her in her costume and all of mom's friends had goodies for her - they were so sweet to do that. And Sadie Beth loved it. She's still telling people, "I trick or treat Grammy's work!"
Last Wednesday we also had fun at our church's fall festival. You know you are really pregnant when you are walking up a flight of stairs, a lady stops and looks you up and down, and says, "" Yes, this definitely happened at the fall festival. I wasn't sure how to respond.

Our little ladybug loved the bounce houses - she would have spent the whole night in there if we'd let her....who needs candy when you can bounce!?!
And let's not forget trick or treating Saturday night. :) Sadie Beth got so excited about going from house to house. We probably only went to 10 houses, but she loved pointing to a house and saying, "I go to that one!" I think she picked the houses she thought would have dogs.
One morning not too long ago I found her sitting like this....I guess she decided her puppy was due for a hair-brushing. :) She is so excited about meeting her little are we of course. I'm not naive enough to think it's all going to be perfect, but she is ready!

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