Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Better late than never!

...I suppose. Here are some more of our trip highlights. I need to get these posted so I can move on to our fun happenings of late! We had a great time with Lani, Shera, and Emily at the Newport Aquarium. I love the sea otters - could seriously sit and watch them all day.
Sadie Beth's favorite was playing on the animal statues!
We loved our time at the beach. We had a couple really nice beach days and a couple really cool and foggy ones too!
It took her a little while, but she got used to the whole "play in the sand routine after a little while.
Each time we went to the beach, Sadie Beth and David played this great little game where she would "run away" from him only to turn back after a few seconds to run right into her Daddy's arms. He would swoosh her up in the air and she would just squeal! (that is if she didn't trip running back to him, as often was the case). My clumsy girl....
We loved making friends with all sorts of doggies on the beach. Randomly Sadie Beth would just take off running from us and we would have no idea why until we would see the dog she was chasing. Luckily she can't get very far very fast.
Not like your typical Florida beaches - low 60s and windy on this day!
Somebody loves her Daddy!

This was a much nicer beach day.

And Sadie Beth decided to make the most of it...
...rolling around in the sand!Not loving the picture, but I felt like I should post it.
My little movie star - Sadie Beth thought she was hot stuff in her sunglasses.
When we got back from the beach, it was 105 degrees in Oregon! HOT! And I thought we would get away from the heat by leaving Louisville.
We had a nice visit with Sadie Beth's Great Grandma Balzer.
What a special time for Sadie Beth - she loved hearing Grandma B. play.
Even though it had been a year since visited last, Sadie Beth and Grandma B. hit it off immediately! There are lots of fun things to do at Grandma B's house.
One of Sadie Beth's new activities since our trip has been taking her keys all around and "unlocking" doors. She will "unlock" a door and say, "Bye guys Sadie Beth!" and then turn around and say "I'm back!"
On our last full day in Oregon, David and I had the delightful opportunity to have a "date day." It was probably the longest I've ever been away from Sadie Beth, and boy did we have a great time. We spent the morning at the beach, enjoyed a luxurious lunch at our favorite beachside restaurant - The Wayfarer, and roamed Canon Beach tourist shops. We even spent some time resting on a special bench in the middle of the town. It was a spot we spent several hours at just talking and dreaming about our future when we were engaged. And it was perfect because the weather was identical to that special day 4 years ago - 4 years, two moves, several jobs, and 2 babies later! Boy God is so good to us. After leaving Canon Beach we drove back to Hillsboro and went to one of David's favorite "growing up spots" - the nickel arcade! David claims it was much cooler when he used to go back in the day - I guess I'll believe him. We were definitely the oldest people there, and I was certainly the only married, pregnant lady on the premises. We were certainly out of place, but it was fun - skee ball, air hockey, etc. After that we stopped back at home for a little bit to regroup, see our sweet girl and then went back out again to see the new Harry Potter movie. What a wonderful day! It was such a blessing to us to spend that kind of time together - thanks Deanne for taking care of Sadie Beth!
As always our time in Oregon seemed to fly by! It's crazy to think that next summer, if we get to go, we'll be a family of 4! That will be a much more interesting (read:scary) plane ride.

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