I fought starting foods until just before she was six months old - it is just so easy to stick with nursing only. But she was starting to wake at night to eat, so I knew she needed more. I honestly didn't mind (and even treasured) those 4am feedings but didn't want to reinforce bad habits for the long term so I finally gave in. So much changes it seems when I start my babies on food - they just start growing up so fast. Ainsley started doing all sorts of developmental things and it just so happened to coincide with dropping her dreamfeed and starting solids that she stopped sleeping til 8am and started waking at 6:30! What's up with that?!?
Except for peas, she never is in the mood for peas. :) Or greenbeans. But spinach, oh yes - she and Sadie Beth gobbled up a jar of spinach and carrots yesterday. It was one of the strangest things I've seen in a long while. "Yuck" was my only thought, but I told Sadie Beth I would get her some more if she wanted it - who cares if it was pureed, my 2 year old was begging me for spinach. Who am I to get her way?
Right now, she's a little orange tinted - because she LOVES her sweet potatoes, squash, and peaches. And sure, Jesus said that man cannot live on bread alone, but Ainsley thinks she can live on applesauce alone. She would eat it all day long if I let her.