Friday, April 18, 2008

Pre-7 Months

Here's a few pictures to catch us up to the Saturday before Easter. I will have to do a separate post from Easter on.
We are still adjusting to solid (pureed) foods. Some days Sadie Beth likes it more than others. She goes on "food-strikes" while she is teething. Her poor little mouth just hurts her so much that I guess she just doesn't feel like eating.
One day I was doing some "straightening" and picking up and I heard Sadie Beth laughing from the other room. I walked in to find out what was funny and this is what I saw:

She LOVES tags and zippers. She is fascinated by the zipper on the boppy - it entertains her endlessly.
I can't remember why I went into her room one night but I couldn't help but take a picture of this. David thought it was mean of me to have the flash, but it didn't even phase her.
I guess we will call this Sadie Beth's "very excited" face.
YAY!!! Spring weather is here. This was one of the first pretty days we had and it was great getting to go out for a walk. I think Sadie Beth really enjoys getting to be outside. We walk around and look at the flowers and trees.

Excuse the mess - usually it isn't this bad, I promise. I was trying to go through the 6-9mos hand-me-down box. Anyhow, Sadie Beth really doesn't roll from her back to her tummy. At least not often. However, she can bend in some pretty impressive ways.

One morning before her nap, Sadie Beth was playing in her crib while I was straightening up her room. She was so tired that she was falling asleep sitting up like this. The giant bear in the crib was to keep her from knocking her head against the back. We don't keep it in there all the time.

I put her on her tummy for a few minutes and this was one of the first times she actually was mobile on all fours....don't get me wrong, it was only a few inches, but hey she still moved.
Poor little bug had an infection on the back of her head about a month ago. It's gone now and the doctor said that it has healed up nicely. We have been given the all clear, but it gave us a bit of a scare. One of the things we had to do was soak the back of her head in water. We decided to try giving her a bath in the big tub to do this. She wasn't sure what was going on.

For awhile, any time we gave her a bath, her sole objective was to get the sink faucet in her mouth. It was pretty funny because she would try and do it even if the water was running. She was successful once, which resulted in a bit of sputtering.

More to come - hopefully soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love that she's sitting up and rolling around!! she's getting so big :) not to mention the sleepy girl falling asleep sitting up was hysterical!

i'm so glad that you're having fun being a mom, blair. i'm sure you're one of the greatest!

have a great week :)