Saturday, April 26, 2008

An Unexpected Easter....

It's a little late for an Easter post. I realize this, but still wanted to share our experience this year. Things never go as planned, do they? That is a lesson I learn over and over and over it seems.

Luke 24:6 proclaims wonderful news, "He is not here; he is risen!" Isn't it great that we can celebrate the resurrection of Christ every day of the year and not just on Easter Sunday? Easter is a great day to remember, and we did -- just not in the ways we expected.

On Good Friday, Sadie Beth had a really rough day. She was abnormally fussy, which I thought she was either teething or just being a big stinker-butt. However, it continued and later that afternoon I realized that she had a swollen mass on the back of her head. To make a long story shorter, it turns out she had some sort of infection on the back of her head - the doctors think it was probably a staph infection. Poor thing had to go on 2 really strong antibiotics. It was a rough few days, and worrisome to these 2 first-time parents. We had to keep her pretty secluded for about a no trip to Indy for our family Easter gathering for the Balzer's.

We had an unexpectedly great Easter at home with our little family. My mom brought us the DVD from Southeast's Easter service, so we had "church" in our PJs. Then, David's parents were so thoughtful to treat us to a beautiful Easter Stargazer Lily and a yummy dinner from the Honeybaked Ham store. I also made "Grandma Balzer's Company Potatoes," which turned out pretty yummy if I do say so myself. It was our first family holiday dinner at home with just us.

Here is Sadie Beth hanging out and observing in her high chair while I am working on dinner. Despite the fact that the infection caused her some pretty bad pain, she was in such sweet spirits...which made it much more bearable for all of us. My pictures are kindof fuzzy, but I'm not sure why.
Here's our "spread." Sadie Beth is usually asleep when we eat meals at home, so it was fun having her with us for our Easter dinner.
You might notice - the company potatoes recipe calls for Corn Flakes. The best deal at the store was for the Meijer brand box, which was ginormous. We decided to cover our other side dishes in cornflakes too! It made a nice topping.
Aren't our flowers pretty? Sadie Beth enjoyed dinner with the family.
Snuggle time with Daddy!
Sadie Beth has started to crawl backwards, but cries almost the whole time she does it - which I find sort of funny.
I'm not really sure, but she's funny...
Grammy stopped by when she got back from Indy with lots of Easter goodies from family and a special belated Christmas present from Sadie Beth's Great Uncle Joe. He made her a cradle, which was absolutely beautiful. She really liked it, and I did too!

Thanks Uncle Joe!!!!

Here's the boo-boo. This doesn't show how big the spot was. We had to keep it covered with a bandaid and give her baths with bleach in the water twice a day.
It was a busy day for the bug!! Now she's a sleepy bear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's fantastic to see how happy Sadie Beth can be (even when dealing with her infection), since so far she's usually crying when I'm with her!