Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our busy girl....

So after this post I will be officially "caught up" through the end of March! 2009 has started with lots of fun with our busy busy girl. Sadie Beth is your typical toddler-into everything and gogogo. We had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma Balzer and Aunt Darla during their visit over New Years. Sadie Beth enjoyed every minute of their attention. She also had a blast with her new kitty-cat galoshes sent from her Great Grandma and Grandpa Shelton. We keep them in a particular spot in her room, and each time she is done playing with them she makes sure she puts them right back in their spot...without any prompting from me! We are starting to see a "neat and tidy" side come out of our girl...she must get that from her Daddy! We have a little princess in our house, and she has her Dada wrapped around her little finger.
And she knows it too!
Tee! Sadie Beth ends every bathtime by shouting out from the tub, "TEE!" She doesn't want Mama and Dada to forget to brush her teeth...or in this case, Grandma!
Shortly after family left from their holiday visit, we had a sicky-poo girl for quite awhile. We all passed around an AWFUL stomach bug. Poor Sadie Beth...we thought we were going to end up in the hospital because she couldn't even keep small sips of liquid down for about 5 days. It was pretty awful for her. So she and Mama spent a lot of time snuggled on the couch during those 5 days watching, "Blah!" (Baby Einstein) and Praise Baby. You know she's sick when she's too tired to dance during these videos.

She was did NOT want to be separated from me while she was sick. But I think during this picture I decided I had to have a shower....just how many times can you be thrown up on without getting a shower? A lot.
While she was sick one night I carried her into the kitchen and had to put her down for a minutes to do something, so I sat her on the floor. I turned back around to find this pitiful girl.
Sadie Beth has been into her "babies" for awhile now, but here she was just starting to put the "night night"
We've been working on using a spoon for a LONG time's slow progress.
First "sort-of" pigtails!
It's fun to wear your sock laundry bag on your head...don't you do it all the time? She felt pretty clever for coming up with this fun game on her own.
This was the first snow Sadie Beth got to really play in. It took us about 20 minutes to get ready to go outside and we were there for about 5 minutes. Oh well. She looks chubby in the picture because of all the clothes she has on.
We've started going throug a Bible Story book, though Mama is often forgetful about it. This one has 100 Bible stories and a CD with 100 songs - one for each story. Sadie Beth mainly just wants to flip to the story of Adam and Eve so she can point to the serpent in the Garden of Eden and say, "Nonono!" because she knows the serpent is bad.
Just a sweet girl.
I'm not sure exactly why, but after the stomach bug, Sadie Beth's throwing up lasted off and on for about a month. So the carseat had to be cleaned a few times. This was actually I think during Louisville's HUGE snow storm....we had to go stay at my mom's since we lost power and Sadie Beth threw up in the carseat on the way there and then again on the way home the next day. UGH! I thought it was never going to did.
Sadie Beth loves wearing her "ti-s" (tights). She would wear them every day if I let her.
Ridiculous. I think she thinks that if she makes this face she can get away with anything in the world. She can't, but I can't tell you how many times David and I have had to either turn our faces or walk out of the room when trying to avoid cracking up at her while trying to discipline her about one thing or another.
I think we were teaching "Schwa" (frog) patty cake. Sadie Beth mixes up her "f" and "s" sounds. She is a huge talker though. I wish I knew how many words she has - a TON.

One of my favorite pics of Sadie Beth.

We got new pillows, and one came in this briefcase shaped box...which was superfun to carry around for a LONG time.
And this was a favorite game for awhile....David will push Sadie Beth all over the condo while in the diaper box. Sadie Beth picks up her favorite passengers to ride along. Uhoh...PrudieSue fell out!
Okay that's better.
A cute Valentines Day dress and Elmo book...on Mama and Dada's bed...does it get any better?
Snuggling in our new bed! David and I are sleeping so much better these days, now that our warped, sunken mattresses have been sent to a better place (the trash heap). Seriously. The mattress warranty inspector guy asked, "How in the world have you all been sleeping on these?" The funny part was after we got our new bed rails but before our new mattress came - we both had to be lying on the bed or the mattress would rock and tilt in one direction.
Our snug bug! Isn't David nice to let me get pink sheets? I LOVE THEM!
For a long time, this hat and Sadie Beth were not friends....but times they are a'changin...
Sadie Beth was putting PrudieSue (CabbagePatchDoll) nightnight and decided she wanted to join in the fun. What a look from Sadie Beth though!
Dressing up in Daddy's clothes...
I guess Sadie Beth decided she was going to take matters into her own hands when it came to clipping her toenails.
My baby sure is getting awful big.
Just call her Farmer Sadie Beth....

One Saturday I told Sadie Beth that Grammy was coming over. Later I found her right here!
We had a fun time with Sadie Beth's (2nd) cousin Aaron when our Indy family came down for a visit. Sadie Beth isn't sure why Aaron is getting to eat a chocolate chip cookie and she doesn't have one.

Sadie Beth is looking at another one of her Bible picture books. This page has a picture of a family. Sadie Beth loves looking at it and pointing out the, "Dada, Mama, Gurl, Deedee (baby), and dog!"
Coming up pictures, new houses, and new additions!!!


Keet Redden said...

Such cute pictures! She is such a pretty little girl. :)


katy said...

Cute new pictures! Sadie Beth is growing up so fast, she is such a doll!