Friday, January 8, 2010

A Special Day...

Sadie Beth got to go to her first "not at a home" birthday party. Her little friend Meredith Daniel was turning two and invited Sadie Beth to her birthday at All About Kids gym. Even though she didn't understand what was going on to start with, Sadie Beth had a great time and now talks about birthday parties all the time.
We had never been to All About Kids before, but what a fun place! It was so much fun we asked for a "Fun Zone Pass" for Christmas, so now Sadie Beth gets to play 10 more times! I'm thankful to have something to do during this cold winter.
Here's the birthday girl!
Meet Reagan. She and her sister Morgan are some of Sadie Beth's most frequent playmates. The Sauls live down the street from us - it's great having friends so close! Reagan is about 7 months older than Sadie Beth.
Look at all the fun stuff to do! Playing here will be great for Sadie Beth so she can build up her confidence when it comes to physical things.
Trampoline lane + 10 crazy kids= chaos, but boy did they have fun. I hate that this picture is blurry but love to pigtails bouncing along with Sadie Beth.

Getting them all to line up like this was quite the task! I don't have a picture but Sadie Beth braved the trapese and loved it. We had to tell her to let go to fall into the foam pit.
After playing in the gym area, the kids had time in the "inflatable fun zone." Sadie Beth took a particular liking to the ball pit.

After the playtime we celebrated Meredith's birthday in one of the party rooms. Sadie Beth was tickled pink to sit next to Ty, who is "her favorite boy." One night awhile back at dinner, David was being silly with Sadie Beth. He asked her who her favorite boy was, fully expecting her to answer "Daddy!" Well, after concentrating and thinking for a minute, she gets this huge grin on her face and mischievieously/bashfully answers, "Ty-yyyyyyy." Totally took us by surprise because we never saw it coming. Ty is the sweet boy of our small group leaders. He is always playing with Sadie Beth and has such a sweet spirit to him. She was thrilled when Ty called for her to sit next to him at the party.

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