Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More fun every day... least that is what Sadie Beth thinks about Ainsley. It is so much fun watching their relationship change as Ainsley grows. She's already starting to "boss" Ainsley all over the place. Unfortunately for Sadie Beth, I can't think of a single time this has gotten her anywhere. This little girl just melts my heart. That's all there is to it. I would do cartwheels and backflips just to see her smile.
Sadie Beth used to lounge on this blanket all the time, just like this and Ainsley HATES it. She immediately wiggles off.
I also happen to love crazy baby hair...pretty much one of my favorite things. Thanks God, for baby girls with wacky hair. It definitely suits their personalities well.
I've never posted many pictures of our house because, well, it's always a mess. One day I pretended to be on top of things and was "crazy cleaning lady" for a day. And while it's ridiculous how much I did not get done, here are a few pictures of our home. Crazy to think we moved in a year ago last week. Please excuse the beige closet doors with the white trim. I was hoping to replace them, but think I might brave a can of spraypaint since we just recently figured out how to take them off and put the back on (read: I accidentally pulled the door off and David figured out how to get it back in place).
I wish I had an updated picture of my kitchen since I organized my refrigerator because it seriously changed the look of the entire room. I felt quite proud of my accomplishment. I'm glad the walls don't appear to be hot pink in these pictures.
I think I was most pleased with the way our bedroom turned out of all the paint colors I chose for the house....Sadie Beth's room too.
I joke with David that it is our "swimming pool room" because of the way the light fixture makes the light reflections dance on the walls.
Meet Ainsley's bug friend, aka "Ralphie." If you pull on the end, it plays the sweetest music that fits Ainsley's personality perfectly. We joke that it's her theme song. It will almost certainly make her smile, even if she is mid-wail...which is quite a sight to see. Sadie Beth often pretends he is "Ralphie" a parrot parrot off of one of her favorite Sesame Street episodes.
Maybe I'm a terribel mother, but it never occurred to me to buy Sadie Beth a snowsuit for this winter. But, we were blessed to borrow one from one of Sadie Beth's most favorite people in the world, us and grandparents aside...Miss Anna. Anna is one of my good friends who has a little girl 7 months older than Sadie Beth. These were Reagan's snow close from last year and they fit Sadie Beth (just barely but we made it work) was much more fun playing in these than in the many layers I would dress SB in for the snow.
I think I've said it before, but I'm SO glad David likes to play out in the snow. That will be his job from here on out I think because I don't like to be cold or wet (unless it's 80 degrees outside), so snow play is not on my list of favorite things.
Though I reconsider that strong opinion when I look at these pictures, like maybe just maybe I'm missing out on something really fun and precious with my girl.
Maybe next year when Ainsley can be out too - this year I was inside with her.
Have I mentioned what an amazing daddy Sadie Beth has? Here he is trying to teach her how to make a snow angel. I laughed heartily from the deck with my camera.
I'm very thankful David can work from home sometimes when the weather is really bad. Here Ainsley was stopping by for a visit. Have I mentioned I love her hair?
And when it gets to cold to play out in the snow, bring the snow inside!
This was a pretty clever idea, if I do say so myself.

Once again, Sadie Beth was "sharing" with Ainsley, who was quite the sport about everything.
We've had a blast playing with Sadie Beth's new food baskets.
Both of my girls have LOVED this bouncy seat. I've probably said it before, but it's pretty amazing. It entertains, soothes, distracts... Exersaucer time! The person who invented the exersaucer should be given the mommy version of the Nobel Peace Prize. Seriously.
Talk about Ainsley becoming much more fun for Sadie Beth - this opened up a whole new world.
Another great baby item we borrowed from Miss Anna - the Bumbo. She's just about outgrown it, but it was fun while it lasted. Note to all concerned: Ainsley was never left unattended on an elevated surface while in the Bumbo.

Sadie Beth came up with this game for her and David where they would "play" birthday party. Not all-together original I realize, but the hilarious part of the game is she would INSIST that they play in front of every single door way in the house, and on the bottom of the stairs as well. They would follow the exact same "pattern" of play each time and then pack up all their supplies and move to the next doorway. In our hallway there are 4 doors - so that means....4 birthday parties! David is much more patient that I when it comes to this stuff.
How did this happen? When did she get so big?

One Sunday morning photo attempt. It didn't go so well. Ainsley doesn't love hats, as you can see. This is why we are always late for church. You can imagine how David feels about these impromptu photo sessions.

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