Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Good Two!

"A Good Two Centimeters"...yes indeed, that's what I am, at least according to the doctor this afternoon. Two and maybe a wee bit more centimeters dilated and still about 25% effaced. That's progress. David's comment was "I'm not pulling out of the driveway on Sunday until you have a packed bag in the trunk!" hehehe...we are going to Brownstown on Sunday for a family get together to celebrate my great aunt's 95th birthday and for a final baby shower. He is convinced that I will go into labor because of all the days activities. :) She's still measuring a bit big, but it's more likely that I am just farther along than originally understood.
So incredibly super excited about tomorrow...I am going to Z's for a prenatal massage, a birthday present compliments of my very thoughtful in-laws. I can't wait. Massages are one of my MOST favorite things, and I can only imagine how nice it will be with all the pregnancy tension and pains. :)
Also very excited about tonight...we are going with Lauren and Chris to the UofL game. It is some sort of special seating area with an inside part too. What a fun treat before Scout comes!
No pictures today. Maybe one soon of our new chair so Grandma and Grandpa Balzer can see what it looks like. It is an overstuffed rocking recliner and it is AMAZINGLY comfortable. Okay, that's really all for now.


Jason and Jodee said...

So David has finally let you sit in the chair? :)

katy said...

Wow, things are progressing like they should for you, that's great! I hope that Scout doesn't make you wait too long before she makes her entrance!