Monday, March 17, 2008

The "Poop" face

I have tons of smiles to post soon, but for now I will focus on the serious side of Sadie Beth. I never expected my life to involve so much thought about pooh...and I'm not referring to the silly ol' bear all stuffed with fluffy. However, since becoming a mommy, its become quite a regular topic of conversation...especially since my sweet baby girl isn't always so "regular." If you've been around the last few months, you might have learned that Sadie Beth is a sporadic poo-er. In fact, up until now it wasn't unusual for her to do her business only once a week or so. When it was time, it was important to set the "mood" and I'm only slightly joking. She wouldn't do it unless she was in a very calm, relaxed state. I guess she was just too busy and was afraid to miss anything otherwise. When I could tell she was getting to that point, I would turn the lights down, lay her down on the floor on top of the boppy pillow and she would go to town. The hilarious part of all of this was the faces she would make. I tried for a long time to get a picture of the "poop" face, but was always too slow. But now I have! So, enjoy the serious side of Sadie Beth....

However, times they are a-changin! Now that we have wandered into the wonderful world of cereal, my little bug is a machine. She has expanded her horizons and has found a new spot that works for her. Each day when I give her her cereal we have to take a little "pooh" break...

And because we have briefly shifted our focus for this post...many people will frequently comment about how happy Sadie Beth seems to be. And she is...the majority of the time. However, she has her stinker moments just like any other baby. Each day Sadie Beth has some independent play time (which she is doing now) in her pack-n-play. We started with about 5 minutes and have worked our way to longer periods. Most of the time she does great. Eg. She has been happily playing for the last 25 minutes...(don't worry I'll get her in just a minute - 30 minutes is the longest she goes). I think this is important so that she can learn to entertain her self, and it is also good for developing a good attention span/concentration/etc. However, this particular day, we decided to put her in her crib to play with her new mirror toy for awhile. I think she could hear David and I laughing in the kitchen and decided was not about missing all the fun!
The funny part? I would walk to the door and she would smile while fussing. :) Needless to say, we rescued her and all was right with the world once again. A more smiley post will come soon...I have lots of Sadie Beth cuteness to share.


Jason and Jodee said...

Ah, the love of a mother posting a picture of a poop face. She'll love you for it when she's older!...or something like that :).

katy said...

That is so funny. :) Oh, poop, how it does take over a mother's life! Kendra finally had her first blowout poo that went beyond the diaper... right as I was putting her in her carseat to leave for Mike's 10k. We then had the fun job of cleaning her up, and I had to drive seperately from Mike because he had to get there on time! And I know there are worse poops to come, that's the funny part. :)