Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Six Months Old!

My, how the last 6 months have flown by! Our little Sadie Beth is so much fun as she is learning and doing new things all the time. She now has 2, possibly 3 teeth. Either she has 2 coming in right now, or it is 1 tooth that is partially cracked - I guess time will tell. Sadie Beth sure does love her daddy. She lights up whenever he walks in the room. One of her new tricks is that she will "growl" back at you. She will do it for both of us, but especially for David. Sometimes, if I start laughing really hard, she laughs too....I find it really fun, so we laugh a lot!
I went in to get her from a nap one day and saw this - adorable little baby feet - minus the socks she originally wore. One day we were playing in bed and I was wrapping Sadie Beth up in this blanket. She thought it was real fun.

She's still a little wobbly sitting on her own, but has gotten drastically better in the last few days. She's getting good enough that I don't worry if I leave the room for a few moments.

During her independent play time I will often open our bedroom window. Sadie Beth LOVES watching what is going on outside. It's so cute watching her play in the pack and play.
She managed to get her leg out of the tub one day during bath time when I had my back turned. She was pretty proud of herself.
So, my baby who will have NOTHING to do with a bottle decided she was a big fan of sippy cups...for, oh, about 3 days...and then she decided to forget how to get the liquid out and realized how much fun it was to chew on them. Here, however, is proof that she was drinking from them. We have a soft-spout cup that she will drink out of sometimes still.
Very surprised Sadie the midst of one of her favorite activities--feet chewing.
We got this fun mirror to put in Sadie Beth's crib, h0ping it would coax her to turn her head in the opposite direction. During one of our visits to the pediatrician, he commented that she has some neck tightness and her head is flatter on one side. I think it has gotten better and she enjoys the mirror very much. This is about the time she really started to enjoy some tummy time.
Yucky, yucky, yucky vitamins. They are disgusting. I gag smelling them, so I can only imagine how she feels about swallowing them. Most of the time she is a pretty good sport about it. Unfortunately I'm not very consistent about giving them to her - bad mommy! Check out those chubby little baby legs!
Sadie Beth still won't roll from her back to her stomach - I think she is probably perfectly capable of it but has very little use for doing so. :)
Doesn't she look like a cute little puppy with the sock in her mouth?

Chewing on things...
...makes me very...
... happy! (says Sadie Beth).
Sadie Beth's first big snow! It's hard to see it in this picture, but she has a huge smile on her face...until I had her touch it...and then she just looked perturbed with mommy.
So, Sadie Beth ate her cereal great for about a week and a half, and then she decided no more. Are you noticing a trend? She pretty much just likes Mommy's milk - from the original source too. Right now we are on a solids hiatus, but will resume our efforts pretty soon.
Happy girl bear!
Look how she was just 2 days old! She's growing up too fast.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh - I am so excited to meet Sadie Beth this weekend (as well as all of the other kids, and of course I'm thrilled to see you again!).

Jackie Bragg said...

Sadie Beth is sooo sweet. I hope to see her again soon. Can you believe how quickly they grow? Addie loved and still loves to look out our glass front door. She now says bye-bye to all the cars that drive by - hysterical!