Sunday, June 1, 2008

Almost 8 1/2 months!

Time goes by so quickly, doesn't it? Just yesterday it seems like Sadie Beth was teeny tiny and spent all day sleeping and nursing...but watch out world, here she comes! Unfortunately, her only means of coming or going anywhere right now is by rolling around but I think she'll figure out the whole crawling thing sooner or later. We've been having tons of fun and I love to see my sweet bug smiling, so here are more pictures of that than I'm sure you care to see. (NOTE: You might wonder why I include so many pictures of the same thing...our family that lives out of town loves that's why.)

I love watching Sadie Beth play...she does so in a very focused way a lot of the times. You can tell she is concentrating very hard on what she is doing. She is holding "bunny-bear." It is the Starbucks "bearista" bear and she loves him very much.

So sleepy....she had just figured out that she could sleep on her stomach around the time this picture was taken. She did for 2 or 3 days and great sleep was had by all in the Balzer family. What happened to my good little sleeper? Oh yeah, teeth.
VERY tired Sadie Beth...
Doesn't she look so big in the chair now?
Daddy and Sadie Beth have lots of fun together!
Turning over the toy basket opened up a whole new world...though I think we need to be thinking about getting some "big kid" toys. I guess you can only be entertained by rattles for so long. She has a few things that she still likes and we gave her some plastic cups yesterday...which she thought were pretty neat. I've been yard saling and got some great books and I just need toys.
EVERYTHING goes into the mouth...keys, paper, phone books, table legs, breastpump tubing, your feet if you aren't paying attention...and that was just today.
We continue to read this book like it is going out of style...Sadie Beth LOVES turning the pages of any book.
She stayed like this for a very long time...
It was really I took multiple pictures...surprised?
Bath time!
One day Sadie Beth decided this was fun, and she did it all day long. Since that day, she hasn't done it again.
She's pretty excited about becoming more mobile. Still no crawling, but she is a pro-roller! Who needs to crawl, I guess?
I never ever get tired of seeing her smile.

Sadie Beth hasn't been the cuddliest of babies, but she is definitely becoming more so...and I LOVE it!

She isn't pulling up...I put her like this, and she stayed.

The End!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh she's so big! and she's got teeth and so much hair...she's starting to look so beautiful. i love that she's starting to cuddle, i really hope when i have kids they enjoy to cuddle.

hope you're doing well!