Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our Little Calvin...

Sadie Beth had her name long before she was born...I have known for years that I wanted a little girl named Sadie Beth so I was delighted when our first little one was a girl! However, lately we've been wondering if we should start calling her Calvin from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. David and I both love that cartoon, and David has most of the collection.

Sadie Beth has always had lots of fun facial expressions, but lately a lot of them have reminded us of Calvin - very intense and EXTREMELY animated. So here are a few pictures of her "Calvin face."

And this one is by far the best!
So that's a few of the many faces of our Sadie Beth. We are having a great week with Grandma Balzer visiting. We've had lots of fun, gone swimming a couple of times, eaten lots of yummy food and worn little Sadie Beth out. More pictures to comes soon!


Jackie Bragg said...

I love those faces! I bet you guys do a lot of laughing. See you soon.

Hillary Redden said...

Cute pictures! She is so expressive. :)

Emily said...

I love keeping up with you via the blog...looks like you guys are doing great! I miss being able to see and keep up with Hanover folks!